Monday, November 24, 2008

just a Short teaser

so far i have come up with a beautiful language (which i will not showcase here, but somewhere else) .... and a short excerpt

The carriage pulled up to the house. It was more of a manor than just a simple house. It stood upon the estate beautiful, resolute. They tread through the house, passing furnishings and rooms after rooms, empty it seemed that the house stood silent, untouched since he left, Uncle Botti. Botti, quite a funny name they teased. Morning sun peered through the thin veil curtains, lighting up the rooms with a faint yellow glow. The stairs, lacquered dark wood, stood stately and strong ascended up several more floors. There was little that they could do but wait, so they sat in the parlor on the comfy sofa (of course) and admired their peaceful surroundings.


They had not really known this uncle of theirs, but were thankful that they could inherit his estate.


“Ah, you’re here. You must be tired from that trip from London all the way here, how ‘bout some tea?”


They nodded in consent, Thaddeus and Emma sat on the sofa still slightly shocked by this move. They had to move because of the War between Germany and British. The Luftwaffe had destroyed London and they had been sent here, away from their family to their uncle, who was apparently out.


The tea arrived on a platter, and the odd lady sat across them on the faded green armchair. She was rather thin and her hair was tied up in a bun. Her clothes were mismatched, and she has the weirdest glasses. The two of them sat there uncomfortably trying not to giggle. So they sat, in that uncomfortable silence, thankfully broken by the sound of the opening of the front door lumbering behind was supposedly their uncle, Uncle Botti.    


“Welcome children” as he hugged the duo “Let me guess, Ah! Strong man, Thaddeus I presume and, this beautiful girl must be Emma” Then he said some thing to the funny lady which they could not catch, probably Italian. Their uncle was the typical uncle with his oddities plump but kind, a proud owner of a large collection of books. He was bespectacled wore a tweed jacket and he sat on the green faded chair, now in great danger of snapping in two. He rested his cane along the side of the chair, the chair swaying dangerously left.


“Breakfast?” He asked as the queer woman entered the parlor carrying the food. The tea was getting cold. Thaddeus took a sip, it was sour, she set down the tray with a clatter, waffles and honey.

copyright 2008 Abel Koh Xiyang . 

Anyhow this is my little clip from my writing. just a snippet with more to come. 


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lets Work On Some New Projects

Guys, we gotta use this blog. We wanna start out own collection of short stories? I think its a good idea. We should pool a few concepts and do some research. Get something written.
---Redd (Bryan)